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How Assisted Living Investing Can Give You Financial Freedom with Brett Chotkevys

🔥On this Real Estate Hustlers Podcast episode with Brett Chotkevys started investing in real estate back in 2014 in California. He started a house-flipping company that has flipped over 200 houses In 2019, Brett moved to Texas to begin his next business venture, an Assisted Living Business. Brett identified a problem. He noticed that the small common RALs were extremely unprofitable and the large Assisted Living Facilities were clinical and unpersonable. That’s where he created a brand new niche, the Memory Care Mansion. This is a 16-bed Assisted Living Mansion that takes the homely feeling of a small RAL with all the care and amenities from the large facilities. Brett has created this Memory Care Mansion business model that generates over $500K while only working a few hours a week. His new passion is to teach others how to do the same thing.

Watch the episode here:

Listen to the podcast here:

Key Points From This Episode:

Building custom-designed mansions for end-of-life care can provide a more intimate and luxurious alternative to traditional assisted living facilities.

Hiring individuals with a heart and passion for caregiving can overcome skilled labor challenges in the assisted living industry.

Building relationships within the industry is crucial for filling beds and generating referrals.

The financial benefits of the memory care mansion model include consistent cash flow and significant appreciation potential.

About Brett:

🔥On this Real Estate Hustlers Podcast episode with Brett Chotkevys started investing in real estate back in 2014 in California. He started a house-flipping company that has flipped over 200 houses In 2019, Brett moved to Texas to begin his next business venture, an Assisted Living Business. Brett identified a problem. He noticed that the small common RALs were extremely unprofitable and the large Assisted Living Facilities were clinical and unpersonable. That’s where he created a brand new niche, the Memory Care Mansion. This is a 16-bed Assisted Living Mansion that takes the homely feeling of a small RAL with all the care and amenities from the large facilities. Brett has created this Memory Care Mansion business model that generates over $500K while only working a few hours a week. His new passion is to teach others how to do the same thing.

Touch With Brett:

LinkedIn: brett-chotkevys-13a217293




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